We believe that the teaching activity of the School should improve every year and constantly increase in quality. Remaining faithful to tradition, it is also important to know how to look at current trends, the new materials offered by the market, the technologies that research offers us.
We want our students to become professionals capable of responding to any need, of solving every situation with competence and creativity, of working with a smile, transmitting their passion. If you wish, to help us continue on our path, you can offer your free contribution.
Reason for bank transfer: contribution to training activities
Bank account payable to the:
Consorzio per la Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli
Cassa Centrale Banca – Via Segantini, 5 – Trento
Codice IBAN: IT 14 F 03599 01800 000000139269
To keep in touch we would like to receive your email address.