toria del colore


The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in its laboratories has created many works that are now located in every part of the world: from the Saetta Iridescente in the Ground Zero subway stop in New York to the mosaic sculpture in the Centro Ricerche FIAT of Orbessano in Turin; from wall and floor coverings for a restaurant in Tokyo to the cycle for the Volksbank in Graz (Austria), from the installation of the mosaic sculpture at the Mosaic Park in Seoul (South Korea) to the wall decorations for the “Chicasaw” Cultural Center in Oklaohoma (USA).

The collaboration with international artists has made it possible to develop original creative solutions and to tackle any kind of representation.

Ask for info

It is possible to ask the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli to create a mosaic work more responsive to individual needs.
To do this, simply contact the School by filling out this contact form and attaching a draft of the image you want to create as a mosaic in JPG, PNG or PDF format of maximum 2M.
Otherwise, you can write an email to [email protected] or call 0427 2077.

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