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Visits to
Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli

During the visit to the school you can see the mosaic workshops and the rich gallery of works.

Visiting Hours

For single visit

From Monday to Friday
Morning: from 8 am to 11.30 am
Afternoon: from 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm


For guided tours

Saturday and Suday with reservations required.
For reservations:
Tourist information office
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +39 0427 2274; fax: +39 0427 881517

For group visits, reservations and accompaniment by an authorized guide are required. Only the tourist guides of Friuli Venezia Giulia who have attended the dedicated course are authorized to accompany visitors to School.


Access to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli
Visitors can access the School upon a contribution of € 2.00 for each and registration.
For guided tours, the contribution of € 2.00 for each will be paid directly to the authorized guide.
Free visit: only for single visitors under 12 who must necessarily be accompanied.



It is advisable to book your visit in advance by contacting the School directly for individual visits (email: [email protected], telephone: +39 0427 2077) while for group visits the Tourist Information Office (email: [email protected], telephone: +39 0427 2274).

Reservation is mandatory for groups wishing to carry out a guided tour. The group must not exceed 50 persons. This visit will be accompanied by a guide authorized by the School, already informed about the safety rules.



The single visitor can only access from the main entrance (courtyard side) and register at the reception.

Guided tour groups will enter the School from the south entrance.


For more information: tel. +39 0427 2077; e-mail: [email protected]



To the more than 30,000 visitors – every year – from all parts of the world, the gallery of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli presents interesting works, exemplisive of techniques and subjects of all ages. The itinerary is chronological and invests all the history of the mosaic: from the Mediterranean origins of the Greco-Roman mosaic, to the precious surfaces of the Byzantine mosaic, to the expressions, the result of research and experimentation, of contemporary mosaic. Illustrating the many applications of a millennaria technique, the gallery dislocates on two floors: on the ground floor and on the mezzanine floor there are three sections centred on the mosaic program of the first, second and third year of the School. On the first floor, on the other hand, the section dedicated to contemporary mosaics and the section dedicated to artists from the Friuli Venezia Giulia region are exhibited. The classrooms and laboratories can also be visited, places where you can breathe the atmosphere and rituals of making mosaics, where you learn, reflect, elaborate and create all the mosaic heritage that is documented in this gallery. There is also a library, a lecture hall which in various forms provide hints and ideas to deepen the history of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and of mosaics in general.

Authorized Guides

Visits regulations

Mosaic Guide in Friuli Venezia Giulia

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