toria del colore

Exhibition at Malnisio, final appointments

Si Closes Sunday, May 31, the exhibition "Power of Water, the journey that transforms energy", an art exhibition that also involves the school mosaicists of Friuli. The exhibition was organized by the municipal administration of Montereale Valcellina at the Central-museum "Antonio Pitter" of Malnisio, with great interest in the project of Valorisation of the Territory. For the exhibition, gli

The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, Already reported among the institutes of Excellence in the book promoted by the Fondazione Cologni “The rule of talent. Art crafts and Italian Schools of Excellence” (Marsilio Editori 2014), was identified among the training institutions to be involved in the project “A school, a job. Paths of Excellence”. It is an initiative-always promoted by the