A school, a job. Paths of Excellence “
The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, Already reported among the institutes of Excellence in the book promoted by the Fondazione Cologni “The rule of talent. Art crafts and Italian Schools of Excellence” (Marsilio Editori 2014), was identified among the training institutions to be involved in the project “A school, a job. Paths of Excellence”. It is an initiative-always promoted by the Fondazione Cologni-dedicated to skilled young people in an art craft. The objective is their insertion-through internship-at a workshop or an atelier of an art master.
Beatrice Belcaro – Qualifying in 2013 at the school mosaicists of Friuli, where he specialized in 2014 attending the specialization course-was identified as a trainee for the project “A school, a job. Paths of Excellence”. His experience is mating within the study-laboratory Arab Mosaico of Udine, managed by Mohamed Chabarik together with Laura Carraro, formed at the school mosaicists of Friuli.
The internship will end in June, and was “a stimulating path-says Beatrice-both as a work experience on the works given, as well as personal experience. Inside the laboratory there is always a space for the exchange of ideas, for the comparison with different competences (architects, illustrators, various professionals…), continually triggering new reflections on the Mosaic “. “Also,” continues Beatrice, “I also had the opportunity to run my own project, from conception to realization, with the freedom to express myself and transmit all my personal participation.”
Also interesting is the view of Mohamed Chabarik, owner of Arab Mosaico: “ The internship can also be an upgrade experience for the laboratory. To follow and steer a newly qualified young man predisposes to an exercise of sharing and reflection, but also brings an opening, a new point of view: The trainee can only transmit a new spirit in atelier, strong research and experimentation Acquired at school. ” Chabarik also believes that “it would be interesting to broaden the experience of the internship to more people. It could be a way to multiply ideas, proposals, stimuli ”
The school mosaicists of Friuli, in direct contact with laboratories also through young aspiring mosaicists, has a continuous feedback with the world of work.
It thus creates a network of relationships that can only reinforce, update, stimulate the industry.
- The news of the Fondazione Cologni can be consulted at the following addresses
- CS-A-school-a-work-2014 _ 2015-IT
- Tirocinanti_aziende_Scuole-IT
Photo taken from the site
( http://www.fondazionecologni.it/FCMA/index.php?id=327 )