January 22, 2022. The party for the hundred years
Saturday 22 January 2022 in Spilimbergo the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli will celebrate one hundred years!
At 10.30 am at the Cinema Teatro Miotto, through the projection of images and films, it will be possible to retrace the history of this institution which opened its doors to young people eager to learn the trade of the mosaicist and the terrace maker on January 22, 1922. On the occasion the book Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli 1922-2022 will also be presented One hundred years of history.
The celebrations will continue in the outdoor area of the School which for the occasion can be visited free of charge until 6.00 pm.
It is possible to participate in the event by writing to: info@scuolamosaicistifriuli.it or by calling +39 0427 2077 during office hours.
It is necessary to have a reinforced green pass and have an FFP2 mask with you.
Further information can be requested from the Secretariat of the School, by e-mail: info@scuolamosaicistifriuli.it or by calling +39 0427 2077. Any changes to the program of the event, determined by the current situation and in compliance with the regulations in force, will be promptly communicated below.
18 January 2022