toria del colore

The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in «Il Sole 24 ORE»

Article dedicated to the School

The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in «Il Sole 24 ORE»

Friday 20 March 2020 in the economic newspaper “Il Sole 24 ORE” in the “Nordest” supplement, the journalist Barbara Ganz has reserved a space for the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli as part of the article Il mosaico ritorna a casa: Trend rilancia il sito di Vivaro (The mosaic returns home: Trend relaunches the Vivaro place).

The School is recognized as a “one-of-a-kind reality: it provides training (students are of 18 different nationalities), but it is also a real company that carries out orders in Italy and abroad and has an international promotional role for this. ancient art that has a high rate of innovation”.

The triple function of the School is therefore affirmed in the article: training, promotion and production. These three functions integrate and contribute to the development of the territory and its economy. The graduates of the School, at the end of the three-year course of study, represent a qualified resource with excellent professional skills and quickly enter the market of high-quality manufacturing made in Italy.


Article at the bottom of the first page of the «Nordest» supplement of 20 March 2020.



Page 9 of the «Nordest» supplement of 20 March 2020.