toria del colore

The short mosaic courses start again

corso breve 2019

The short mosaic courses start again

Knowing by doing: this is the spirit that inspires the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in organizing short mosaic courses. Under the guidance of qualified masters anyone, scholar, enthusiast, hobbyist, can try his hand with hammer and weave and compose his own mosaic, thus understanding what the technical and stylistic rules are at the basis of this ancient and noble art.

The courses are held in the laboratories of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli which provides all the material necessary for the execution of the mosaic and guarantees compliance with those safety parameters for health required in this particular historical moment.

Having decided on the subject and the processing technique, Roman, Byzantine or contemporary, thanks to the advice of the mosaic master and the possibility to choose from some of the proposed models (but you can also present your own designs to be developed), you immediately try cutting and in the preparation of the cards with the use of the traditional window handle. Then follows the composition of the subjects with direct pose, the study of trends and colors. There are moments of reflection during the work, some notes on the history of the mosaic and its protagonists, a complete visit to the School commenting on the works that decorate classrooms and corridors.

The duration of a short course is four days which always include a weekend. In the calendar several events covering the summer and autumn period: short courses, but also more in-depth courses of an entire week and the course dedicated to families where children aged 5 and up can participate (for the other courses the minimum age to enroll is 14 years). By guaranteeing the presence of at least 5 people, the School can also organize personalized courses according to the needs of the groups concerned.

It starts again on 2 July with a short course, to follow on 16, 20 and 27 to mention only the dates of the next month.

No previous training or drawing skills are required, enthusiasm and desire to experiment are enough. The mosaic created during the course will become a work to be exhibited at home or in the office, a reminder of an artistic and human experience and, who knows, perhaps the first result of a new passion to cultivate.

Here all the information on the courses and how to enroll


photos of the participants in a short course 2019

Participants in a short course in 2019