Two mosaics at the exhibition dedicated to Gillo Dorfles
Two works from the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli will be exhibited at Il segno rivelatore di Gillo (the Gillo’s revealing sign), curated by Marianna Accerboni and promoted by the cultural association “Gillo Dor fl es”, set up in Trieste at the Stelio Crise State Library.
It was 2009 when Gillo Dorfles came to visit the Mosaic School of Friuli, he was 99 years old. Artist, philosopher, art critic, attentive and curious to every form of expression of man, he met the students and with them intertwined a dialogue made of acute analysis and reflections.
From that comparison two mosaic works originated, one of which from a sketch left by the master himself to be translated with the tesserae (even the sketch will be exhibited in the exhibition).
The exhibition organized in his hometown, the first anthological exhibition dedicated to him after his death (2nd at March, 2018), presents an unpublished image of Dorfles, which reveals the most ironic, playful and private aspect. 130 works will be exhibited: drawings and engravings, including various fantastic animals created especially for the nephews Giorgetta and Piero children, but also design projects, a cycle of elegant drawings for fabrics of the Thirties and Fifties, advertising posters and also documents of autograph archive.
The exhibition, set up in the spaces of the second floor of the library, will be inaugurated on Friday December 14th at 6.30 pm and will be open from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 am to 6.30 pm and Friday and Saturday from 9.00 am to 1.30 pm. It will remain open until 14th at December .
Official press release of the exhibition
Press release of Gillo Dorfles’ visit to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli (10 November 2009)