toria del colore

Visiting the Honorary Consuls

Consoli onorari e prefetto 15 febbraio 2024

Visiting the Honorary Consuls

On the afternoon of 15 February 2024, a representation of the Consular Corps, which is based in Trieste and other Italian cities, visited the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, accompanied by the Prefect of Pordenone, Dr. Natalino Domenico Manno.

Welcomed by the President of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli Stefano Lovison and the Director Gian Piero Brovedani, the Honorary Consuls were able to visit the School and see the students engaged in their training activities. In addition to the Prefect of Pordenone, the Honorary Consul of Chile, Mali, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, Croatia, Qatar and Kuwait were present.

February 16, 2024