toria del colore

Mosaic workshop for the young Deuma company

Two days of internships dedicated to mosaic (22-23 February 2021) for the team of the new Deuma company. Deuma is a business project that was born within the 4th A of the RIM (International Relations and Marketing) address ofMattiussi-Pertini Institute of Pordenone. The project was born at the request of the program "Unternehmen Deutsch - Piazza Affari Tedesco" promoted by the

The award ceremony of the Gian Domenico Facchina Award took place today, Thursday 11 February 2021, in a reduced form, but with due officiality, the recognition that the Municipality of Sequals awarded to two students of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli who distinguished in the execution of the final essays of the first courses of the academic year 2019/2020. In the

IThe French national channel France 2 dedicated a report to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, broadcast during the 13.00 TV news on Wednesday 3 February 2021. The report was made by the journalists Florence Crimon and Laysa Ainouz who spent an entire day at the School. They were able to see the students at work, learn about the history of the