At Koinè, the International Exhibition of Sacred Art
The Koinè Sacred Art Fair will open on Sunday 24 October 2021, an internationally important event that brings together companies and operators in the religious sector in Vicenza and covers requests in the field of services and places of worship with its proposals and references.
Already present in previous editions, this year the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli is a guest with a double role: among the exhibitors with a stand dedicated to Pavilion 7 (stand n.325) and among the subjects selected for the exhibition La luce dello Spirito Santo. Contemporary European stained glass and mosaics. In fact, at each edition the organizing committee chooses to deepen a theme to raise awareness of the most advanced European artistic production. This year we looked at the arts that link their expressiveness to light: stained glass windows and mosaics not only perform the functions of lighting and decoration, but establish a dialogue with the faithful, favoring the introspective and spiritual research that a religious place should encourage. Three are the great mosaics of the School, characterized by color, abstract shapes and a contemporary style: they are innovative works that find in the overcoming of the representation and in the apparent compositional simplicity a way to convey universal messages made even more profound by that game of chiaroscuro and reflections that light creates on surfaces. Therefore, these mosaics respond to the aims of the exhibition, a showcase for up-to-date artistic solutions in line with current taste, the result of research conducted by the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in the field of contemporary mosaics.
The School was also offered a stand in the pavilion reserved for religious buildings and their decoration. Conceived as a space to deepen the educational and productive reality of the School, the stand will be characterized by objects, sculptures and mosaic icons, but above all by the demonstrations of two young mosaic masters, Noemi Roma and Laura Seravalli, students of the specialization course. With hammer in hand, they will show visitors how a mosaic is born and tell what potential the “tessera” hides, that small basic fragment of stone or enamel, useless individually, but which becomes necessary and fundamental to compose the mosaic surface. In this the ancient art of mosaic becomes a metaphor for contemporary society, increasingly in search of a spiritual well-being and relationship, as can also be seen from the projects, resources and sustainable and innovative ideas that are welcomed in this XIX edition of Koinè .
19 October 2021