In occasion of the international day against violence against women (25 November) at the Friuli School of Mosaic has been presented “Premio VOCE DONNA Centro Antiviolenza Pordenone” (prize of the Association VOCE DONNA, antiviolence center for women) open to the students of the School..
The students were welcomed by the President of the School Alido Gerussi, together with the Major of Spilimbergo Renzo Francesconi, with the city Councilmen of Equal Opportunities Marco Dreosto and Maria De Stefano, President of the Association Voce Donna: all the guest were there to support the heartfelt project to help preventing violence against women with actions, with cultural and awareness initiatives and correct information.
Indeed the association Voce Donna promotes a context on the theme “DIAMO VOCE AL RISPETTO CONTRO LA VIOLENZA SULLE DONNE” (giving voice to respect, against violence against women) in partnership with the Friuli School of Mosaic and the Municipality of Spilimbergo; the context has the aim to select the sketch among the ones presented by the students that better represents the theme in terms of subject at technical, esthetic and human level suitable for a mosaic representation. The author of the chosen sketch will receive a prize money (€ 250.00) from the Municipality of Spilimbergo and the selected project will become a concrete mosaic work in the laboratories of the Friuli School of Mosaic partly thanks to the contribution of the Association Voce Donna.
The chosen mosaic will be installed/located in front of the city hall of Spilimbergo to remember everyday the respect and value toward any human being.