toria del colore

First day for the students of 2024/2025

Cerimonia inaugurale del 103 anno formativo

First day for the students of 2024/2025

The 103rd school year of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli began this morning, Monday 30 September 2024. As per tradition, a place of historical and artistic interest in Spilimbergo was chosen for the inaugural ceremony: this year we opted for the Church of Saints Giuseppe and Pantaleone, a building which houses a monumental organ, a splendid Renaissance wooden choir and where the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli created the stations of the Via Crucis. In this evocative setting, the students, teachers and all the technical and administrative staff of the School, representatives of the territory, of the Administration of Spilimbergo, as well as of its educational institutions, gathered.

The all persons of the School therefore united to formalize the start of the new training year.
The President of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, Stefano Lovison, the mayor of Spilimbergo, Enrico Sarcinelli, and the director of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, Gian Piero Brovedani, brought their greetings and best wishes.
President Lovison, addressing the new students in particular, highlighted how the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli represents a solid and qualified team, in which the students are considered an integral part, but not only: «the School is also a determined and responsible reality in wanting to continue to be the world reference point for mosaic art. This means that the School is ready to face the numerous projects put in place for this 2024/2025 training year, but above all to undertake one of the largest mosaic coverings ever created: the 1,400 square meter external paving which will complete the external courtyard of the School, a large mosaic, dedicated to the flora and fauna of the Friulian territory, the last part of the redevelopment works that have transformed the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli into a mosaic hub».

Mayor Sarcinelli, representing the entire Administration of Spilimbergo, underlined how the ceremony that opens the training year represents one of the most important moments of the School’s activity together with the Mosaico&Mosaici exhibition which in the summer months presents to a large audience what which was designed and built during the year. He then continued: «Hosting the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli is a source of pride and honor for the town of Spilimbergo and thus increases the brilliant tiles that embellish its territory such as the church of Saints Giuseppe and Pantaleone which hosts this ceremony today». In addition to offering heartfelt good wishes to the students, he wanted to remind them that they are in one of the most important schools in the world.

The ceremony concluded with the presentation by Director Brovedani of all the staff who make up and work at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli: teachers and all the technical and administrative staff were called by name and each person’s role and functions were indicated, thus helping the orientation and knowledge of the students.
The latter, around sixty, will animate the corridors and laboratories of the School. They come from the region, but also from other parts of Italy, and then from France, Poland, Russia, Romania, Albania and again from Australia, Greece, Germany and Ukraine.

Today is only an introductory day for them, to view the spaces, laboratories, equipment, examine timetables, programs, materials, interact with the teachers, from tomorrow the activity will take place at full capacity with the eight hours a day divided between theoretical subjects and practical exercises. In short, soon, very soon, we will return to listening to two sounds that characterize the School: the rhythmic blows of the hammers and the cheerful shouting of the students.

Inaugural ceremony of the 103rd school year


September 30, 2024