In Rauscedo a monument to women
A monument dedicated to women in viticulture was inaugurated on Saturday 12 June 2021 in Rauscedo di San Giorgio della Richinvelda.
It is a three-dimensional mosaic stele conceived within the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and created by the students of the 2019/2020 postgraduate course Wanted by the municipal administration of San Giorgio della Richinvelda as a sign of thanks to all the female figures who in everyday life have always represented a fixed point for the community and the family and who were once an indispensable support for the economic development of the territory, today they are its protagonists.
Michele Leon, mayor of San Giorgio della Richinvelda, wanted to discover the work together with the centenary Regina Fornasier called to represent all women.
The stele presents women with peasant clothes and handkerchiefs on their heads intent on working on the vine branches.
The location of the monument has also been studied, in a space on the public road where once there was a wash house, a meeting place, as well as a place for labor, for the women of the village.
18 june 2021