Meeting of orientation with the company Confartigianato
The school mosaicists of Friuli hosted, at the Aula Magna, some representatives of Confartigianato for a meeting-directed to students of all courses-aimed at offering a point of view on what it means to do business today.
An important moment of contact with the world of production and orientation to work for future mosaicists.
The representatives of Confartigianato enterprises of the Province of Pordenone (the provincial Secretary Gianfranco Trebbi, the provincial vice President Sergio Moruzzi, the provincial coordinator Lino Mazzarotto categories and the youth Group president Craftsmen entrepreneurs Francesco Francescut) were hosted and introduced by the President of the school mosaicists of Friuli Alido Gerussi who made a reflection on the skilled mosaicists of the last years aspiring to put themselves in, building in Autonomy their craft and their future.
“The school-reiterated Gerussi-is updated, proposes in the imminent future new courses of specialization (in restoration, in terrace and pavement, in contemporary mosaic), participates in exhibitions, does research, experimentation on techniques and materials, not Simply for itself but for the whole mosaic sector, which should identify the young mosaicists qualified not as competitors, but as stimulating collaborators within laboratories already started, to contribute together to broaden the Market and to promote the mosaic. “
All the representatives of Confartigianato believe in the collaboration between school, craftsmen’s workshops and Confartigianato: It is important to have a job, to know how to do it well, to aspire to build something of its own, but it is equally important to know How to start doing business, how to do marketing, how to penetrate national and international markets, it is also essential to know the legislation and all the fiscal rules that a company has to face. “In This sense – underlines Trebbi – Confartigianato has an institutional role in conveying to young people all the useful information, suggesting also the circuits to be travelled in order to grow in their work – as in life – with the passion and the acquired values, Collaborating and joining forces in the work to achieve common and proactive goals.