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Passion mosaic for eight descendants of Friulian emigrants

i corregionali alla Scuola 2023

Passion mosaic for eight descendants of Friulian emigrants

The 12th edition of the introductory course to the art of mosaic intended for young descendants of Friulian emigrants abroad is in full swing: a training project organized by the Ente Friuli nel Mondo, financed by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region – Minority languages ​​service and co-regional abroad, and created in collaboration with the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli.

Lasting two weeks, the project offers young people who gravitate by profession or interest in the field of art to approach mosaics, thus coming into contact with a tradition and artisanal knowledge peculiar to western Friuli and more generally to the entire region . This is an experiential way to get to know the territory from which their ancestors left years ago to head to South America. Argentina and Uruguay are, in the current edition, the two countries of origin of the lucky young people, eight in total, three men and five women, who based on their curriculum vitae and their motivations were selected to participate in the course.

Led by the master mosaicist Mohamed Chabarik, qualified at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and owner of the Carraro Chabarik laboratory, the fellow countrymen are trying their hand at creating mosaics with direct techniques, elaborated which are the result of the training activity, but also a travel souvenir : concrete proof of contact with their roots. In fact, there is a strong desire to know the region from which their grandparents or great-grandparents left, a great desire to come into contact with the places that gave birth to their ancestors and which still preserve memories or material testimonies. The stories heard by children thus take shape and are enriched with details: black and white images, names and places evoked become present and vivid, colored just like the tiles that the South American guests cut and juxtapose in the composition of the mosaic with the hammer.

These Friulians, born abroad, all know how to speak Italian, but they love to express themselves in Friulian, a language learned at home. The youngest are 25 years old, the “oldest” are ten years older. They all have established careers and will use this experience to increase their skills. There are the graphic designer Sofia Carla Fuccenecco active in the advertising field and in the creation and promotion of brands and the architect Florencia Arcangeli, an expert in renovation and interior design with a particular predilection for floors made of polished concrete revisiting the ancient terrazzo techniques. Those like Jesica Natali Giusiano intend to transfer what she is learning into her daily work as a teacher and educator to develop new proposals for involvement and growth through artistic expression combined with play. The sensorial and cognitive aspect of art also interests Lucia Orlandi who deals with the rehabilitation of disabled and elderly people and designs creative workshops that stimulate fine motor skills and sociability. A more technical approach is that of Julieta Alba Orliacq, an artist and designer who specializes in audiovisual, but believes in the contamination of the arts and with curiosity explores and tries her hand at different expressive forms to which she can now add mosaic. Sebastian Di Benedetto remembers the stones in the hands of his stonemason grandfather and perhaps for this reason he passionately seeks contact with the material and the artisanal practice of metalworking in a blacksmith’s workshop and now in the culinary field. Craftsmanship is seen as the search for absolute quality, perfection, attention to detail, a way of looking at the final result which is also reflected in the production processes: Edgar Elias Reta, graduate in design, specialized in mechanical processing of plastic, knows this well , who has been dealing with 3D modeling for several years and would also like to apply in the mosaic sector. Logistics and good practices that influence production in the company are dealt with by the Uruguayan Giustavo Daniel Doldan Pagani who has a mission here: to learn the basic notions to create a large Friuli-themed decorative work with other members of the Famèe Furlane of Montevideo.

Absorbed by their activity, the young guests at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli feel at home and practice with passion. The art of mosaic, in its practice consolidated by centuries-old tradition, teaches them to train patience, suggests methodologies to be imported into sectors that are not strictly artistic, favors innovative ideas and creative impulses. Added to this training course are moments of sharing, visits to significant places in the region, and meetings for knowledge and discussion.

Friuli, which for all of them has a profound meaning, linked to their roots, is now to all intents and purposes part of their lives, not only in their family memory, but in the history of their existence, a bond which, as Julieta Orliacq has well said, transcends the past to become present.


corso per corregionali 2023


October 31, 2023