toria del colore

Seminar about mosaic and glass in Murano

Museo del vetro Murano

Seminar about mosaic and glass in Murano

The Mosaic & Glass seminar will be held on Thursday 20 October 2022 by the MUVE Academy – Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia. Result of the Protocollo d’intesa (Memorandum) stipulated in February 2022 between the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and the Civic Museums Foundation of Venice, the seminar is an opportunity for mosaic students to deepen the art of glass through the “Abate Zanetti” Higher Technical Institute where the training course is active in Art of Glass and subsequently visiting the Murano Glass Museum.

invitation to Murano



News on the Memorandum – Protocollo d’intesa


18 October 2022