toria del colore

The heraldic coat of arms of the State Police for the Milan Police Headquarters


The heraldic coat of arms of the State Police for the Milan Police Headquarters

The floor mosaic with the heraldic coat of arms of the State Police, created for the Milan Police Headquarters by the students of the specialization course, was placed last week: Simona Di Maio, Alessia Filippi, Luis Sobejano Guerra, Gabriele La Sala, Andrea Giulia Paliaga and Chiara Platolino.

The work had been interrupted due to the closure of the School imposed by the Covid-19 emergency. With the reopening of the laboratories in May, the mosaic was concluded and left for Milan accompanied by the master Luca De Amicis and Luis Sobejano Guerra who provided for the installation in the internal courtyard of the Questura, replacing a previous mosaic that was very compromised. by time.

The heraldic coat of arms of the State Police is made up of figurative elements that recall the tradition and values ​​of the Corps. On a shield are represented, in the upper left, a book with the writing “lex”, which recalls the task of the police to be faithful and enforce the laws of the State. The torches below refer to the rescue and assistance of the population in the event of a disaster. The rampant lion, placed on the right, holding a Roman sword, highlights the strength, courage and honesty in defending the law. Under the shield a cartouche with the motto “Sub Lege Libertas” which declares how the police action takes place in compliance with the laws and the Italian Republic. Above the shield a turreted belt in the shape of a crown that evokes the emblem of the newborn Republic used in the immediate post-war period.


Read the news on the State Police website

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