toria del colore

The Linea Verde cameras at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli

Il regista Andrea Rovetta di Linea Verde mentre fa le riprese

The Linea Verde cameras at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli

The next episode of Linea Verde will be dedicated to Friuli Venezia Giulia and its colors in autumn, the historic Rai 1 television program that airs on Sundays from 12.20. Among the stages of a journey that aims to tell the excellence of our region there is also the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli.
The Linea Verde cameras entered the reality of the School guided by the students. In fact, they were the protagonists, involved in demonstrations, but also called to explain and answer questions and curiosities.
After completing the general visit to the historic Institute, most of the time was spent in the mosaic workshops to understand how a mosaic is born and how the training course develops, divided into three courses. Starting from the two sections of the first year where you learn the basic principles and study the Roman technique, we moved on to the second course currently engaged in the reproduction of a Byzantine-style wall mosaic with large frontal figures and the use of gold . In the third and last course, once the technical bases are consolidated, expressiveness and creative spirit develop: around the large panels, in execution, inspired by the seasons, the students motivated the different choice of colors and the solutions adopted to give movement to the surface. There was then a passage in the laboratory of the specialization course, attended by former students who last year obtained the qualification of Master Mosaicist and are now developing projects independently.
The cameras filmed the students concentrated in their exercises: from the cutting of the tiles to their application with method and patience, appreciating how images and decorations gradually grow. In the interviews some of them also told the reasons that led them to Spilimbergo. Numerous students of foreign nationality (from France, Poland, Romania, Russia, South Korea, Ivory Coast, Bolivia, China …) who confirm the School as a model of integration where passion and daily commitment unite various cultures in the name of the mosaic, a peculiar art of our beautiful Italy.
Sunday 28 November 2021 it will therefore be a pleasure to recognize on the television screen, among the many beauties of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli which, it is worth remembering, on 22 January 2022 will turn one hundred years old: a century of life dedicated to mosaics through the training of many professionals, but also the study, research and promotion of an artistic technique capable of astonishing, as we hope will happen to the spectators of Linea Verde.


It is possible to watch the episode in streaming on Rai Play: click here


The director Andrea Rovetta of Linea Verde while filming


26 November 2021