toria del colore

Three new members of the Consortium for the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli

Assembly of the Consortium

Three new members of the Consortium for the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli

The number of Consortium members for the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli rises to 54. The Assembly of the Consortium ordered this, confirming the new requests for membership of the Municipalities of Corno di Rosazzo, Forgaria nel Friuli and Meduno. The team of local authorities is therefore expanding, to which various trade associations have been added in recent years. In the last decade, the members of the Consortium for the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli have more than doubled, testifying to greater territorial representation for the economic and cultural development of our entire region.

Through the training, promotion and production of mosaic art, the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli has managed over time to consolidate its centrality, supported by the plurality of subjects that make up the Assembly and who support projects, ideas, methods and skills of which the School of fa promoter for productive growth in this sector.

Strong satisfaction was expressed by the Assembly for all the activities carried out by the Mosaic School of Friuli in a complicated year at a global level, but which nevertheless saw the planned actions come to an end and a series of good conditions for the opening of the new a year which, we recall, will represent the achievement of its hundred years for the School.


Assembly of the Consortium, 22 December 2021


22 December 2021