toria del colore

Tiles of Color

logo concorso DuDu Bags

Tiles of Color

Tiles of Color was born from a collaboration between the DuDu Bags company of Pordenone and the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli: a project that involved the students of the third and advanced courses.

Starting from some famous models from the DuDu company, the students developed a mosaic intervention that would embellish and make bags or backpacks unique.
The research focused on the possibility of creating a dialogue between the leather, of which the bags are made, and the mosaic tiles: not a simple juxtaposition but a union that took on different meanings described in the models presented.

There are therefore ten proposals designed. The model most appreciated by the public will be concretely created by DuDu Bags and exhibited in Venice in its showroom.

To express your vote by choosing the model you like most, a special digital form has been prepared.
It can be accessed by clicking on the following link:

It will be possible to vote until November 16, 2023.




October 30, 2023