toria del colore

Visit by Gen. C. A. Bruno Buratti

Gen. C. A. Buratti, president Lovison, Col. Cardia

Visit by Gen. C. A. Bruno Buratti

Accompanied by Col. Davide Cardia, Gen. A. Bruno Buratti, interregional commander of North-Western Italy of the Guardia di Finanza, visited theScuola Mosaicisti del Friuli on Thursday 19 May 2022.

The President of the Mosaic School of Friuli, Stefano Lovison, welcomed the guests and presented them with the hundred years of activity of the training institution. He then accompanied them to the various workshops where the mosaics in progress were visible, from the Roman to the contemporary style.

Between 2020 and 2021, the School collaborated with the Guardia di Finanza for the creation of two heraldic coats of arms to be placed at the entrances of the headquarters of “Villa Spada”, the Logistics Center of the Guardia di Finanza in Rome. For this same place, under the supervision of the then Commander, col. Davide Cardia, in addition to the coats of arms, more than a meter and a half high, were also painted three portraits of illustrious writers of ancient Rome: Virgilio, Cicero and Lucretius, whose faces distinguish the three reception rooms of the Logistics Center.


Gen. Buratti and pres. Lovison


May 21, 2022