A “shared” mosaic for Cordenons
A new mosaic was placed inside the Cordenons Town Hall to decorate the corridor leading to the Mayor’s office: a collective work born during the 2019 Festa delle Zucche (Pumpkin Festival). Precisely because it is linked to this occasion, the mosaic can only have as its subject the well-known autumn vegetable from whose shapes the number 25 emerges to recall the goal reached by the traditional event last year. However, it is the modality of its creation that makes this mosaic something unique and special.
The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, which for some time has offered its collaboration to the Municipality of Cordenons to carry out, during the Pumpkin Festival, dissemination activities on mosaic art, had promoted on Sunday 27 October 2019 the workshop Let’s build the mosaic together, a initiative to involve adults and children in the composition of a mosaic. It was in fact possible, under the guidance of the students of the postgraduate course of the a.f. 2019/2020, try your hand at this ancient art starting from its basic element, the card. So as interested and curious people approached to get to know and experience an artistic experience, the mosaic took shape. The tiles, specially cut with a hammer on the block, were selected and juxtaposed, juxtaposed one by one following design and colors, in direct laying, with attention to size and thickness. Trying to be a mosaic artist, even for a short time, this was the purpose: to experience the thrill of grabbing the hammer, choosing the glazes, applying the tiles obtained on the support. Thus, with the participation of the public and the patience of the mosaic students, capable of transmitting not only technical indications, but also passion, tile after tile, the work was completed.
From the commitment and enthusiasm of many, the mosaic of the twenty-fifth was born, which now finds the right place in a civic place, for everyone to see, perhaps even those who have collaborated in its success.