toria del colore

Mosaic Project in Montereale Valcellina

The Mosaic & Mosaics 2018 Exhibition was inaugurated last July 27th. is experiencing a great success for public attendance confirming the school mosaicists of Friuli as a point of reference for cultural tourism of Friuli Venezia Giulia.   The exhibition remains open until 2 September 2018 with the following hours: Daily from 10.00 to 12.30/from 16.30 to 20.00 FREE admission At the following link you

We invite you to the summer exhibition of the school mosaicists of Friuli- Mosaic & Mosaics 2018, selectionof works carried out by students of the school mosaicists of Friuli during the formative year 2017-2018. The exhibition is a good opportunity to rediscover the historical and modern mosaic, to promote contemporary mosaic, but above all to enhance the creativity and works

The children of Friuli Summer Camp organized by Ente Friuli in the world have made a stop at the school mosaicists of Friuli, where they were welcomed and accompanied visiting classrooms and laboratories by the president of the school mosaicists of Friuli Stefano Lovison.

Subscriptions to the three-year professional courses of the Mosaicist School of FRIULI are extended NORME E MODULI D’ISCRIZIONE PER I CORSI TRIENNALI CLICK HERE For more information: SCUOLA MOSAICISTI DEL FRIULI Via Corridoni n. 6 – 33097 SPILIMBERGO (PN) – ITALY phone +39(0)427 2077 – fax +39(0)427 3903  

We are pleased to invite you to the summer exhibition of the school mosaicists of Friuli Mosaic & Mosaics 2018. Selection of works carried out by students of the school mosaicists of Friuli during the formative year 2017-2018 Invitation-MosaicoMosaici2018 This is an appointment awaited by the connoisseurs of the subject, scholars and enthusiasts interested in mosaic as an artistic form of expression.

The Pietro Ronzat company Sepol srl, chaired , in collaboration with the school mosaicists of Friuli has launched an initiative to support the skills, aspirations and future professionalism in the mosaic sector, the flagship of the entire Regional territory. The idea was realized in a award reserved for students of the third course for the best mosaic work made as

At the conclusion of the sixth Mosaic Symposiumorganized by the company Lignano Pineta, chaired by Giorgio Ardito, Saturday, June 9 at 11 will be inaugurated the mosaic of the bathing establishment 5-Swiss flag-of Lignano. The work was created out by the students of the specialization course of the school mosaicists of Friuli (Vera Belikova, Vanessa d'andrea, Daniela Delli Zotti, Zharkynay

Among the collateral events of the third edition of Mosaic YOUNG TALENT We highlight the conference "the Mosaic: History, Tradition, Future": Among the rapporteursthe Director of the study of the Vatican mosaic, Dr. Paolo di Buono,and the director of the school mosaicists of Friuli, Dott. Gian Piero Brovedani. The conference will take place in the Civic library in Pordenone at

During the inauguration of the exhibition MOSAIC YOUNG TALENT-Friday 27 April 2018-at the Civic Museum of Pordenone, were also decreed the winners of the same name, sponsored by the Cultural Association Naonis Pordenone in collaboration with the School mosaicists of Friuli and with the municipality of Pordenone. Two students awarded the school mosaicists of Friuli: Ilaria Noninofor the intense mosaic interpretation

The tourist site is online The site is part of a project of promotional activities initiated by the municipal administration of Spilimbergo supported by the tourist-cultural-productive realities of the city. You will find itineraries, events, curiosities, sites to visit to continue to discover every day Spilimbergo.

The Itineraria's award for Mvsiva 2017 was gived to the students of the Mosaicist School of Friuli. At the Spilimberghese Institute-Tuesday, April 24th at 15 am-the awards ceremony of the ninth edition of this year's prize dedicated to the work of the artist Giuliano Borghesan took place. Mvsiva is an annual project conceived by Itineraria and organized in collaboration with