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CREActive #3 Conference

Particolare invito CREAttivo 3

CREActive #3 Conference

The conference that concludes the CREAttivo #3. FVG Art and Business in Game project will take place on Thursday 9 March 2023, at 5.30 pm, in Udine, at Palazzo Torriani in Largo Carlo Melzi 2.

The meeting aims to tell the results of this third edition of CREAttivo, a project between art and business curated by Sabrina Zannier and the Maravee Cultural Association with the collaboration of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and some companies in the region.

The project this year saw the creation of some games by Legnolandia and poufs by Gervasoni, made unique with mosaic interventions, which furnished an outdoor public space: a new park in Gorizia dedicated to Gianni Rodari.

Starting from the concluded experience, we will reflect on the possible connections between art, design and the world of production and on the effects that these have on living in everyday places.


INVITO CREAttivo Convegno 2023

Learn more about the project

March 3, 2023