toria del colore

Artistic craftsmanship

CONFERENCE in collaboration with Confartigianato Imprese Pordenone Sunday 24 April 2022, 10.30 am. Palazzo Tadea, square Castello, Spilimbergo Artistic craftsmanship   Moderator: Paolo Coretti, architect Introductions: Silvano Pascolo, president of Confartigianato Pordenone Stefano Lovison, president of Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli Speakers: Ugo La Pietra, architect and artist Alberto Cavalli, director of the Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d'Arte Sergio Moruzzi, mosaic craftsman Dagmar Friedrich, mosaic artisan Marco Donà, manufacturer of Venetian enamels   Short biography of the

CONFERENCE Saturday 23 April 2022, 10.30 am. Palazzo Tadea, square Castello, Spilimbergo Mosaic&Design   Moderator: Paolo Coretti, architect Speakers: Ugo La Pietra, designer and artist Bernardino Pittino, architect   Short biography of the speakers Paolo Coretti Ugo La Pietra Bernardino Pittino   For information write to: or call +39 0427 2077.

At Palazzo Tadea di Spilimbergo at 19.00 on Friday 22 April 2022 the issue of the celebratory stamp dedicated to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, which is part of the philatelic series ‘Le Eccellenze del sapere’ ('The Excellence of knowledge'), is scheduled.   The Philatelic Mosaics exhibition will be set up on the ground floor of Palazzo Tadea.   For information write to:

CONFERENCE Friday 22 April 2022, 2.30 pm. Palazzo Tadea, square Castello, Spilimbergo Mosaico & Architettura   Moderator: Bernardino Pittino Speakers: Paolo Coretti, architect Giulio Candussio, mosaic artist   Short biography of the speakers Bernardino Pittino Paolo Coretti Giulio Candussio   For information write to: or call +39 0427 2077.

CONFERENCE Thursday 21 April 2022, 10.30 am. Palazzo Tadea, square Castello, Spilimbergo Schools in comparison   Moderator: Paolo Coretti, architect Speakers: Paola Babini, Didactic coordinator of the Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna Alvich Giovanni, teacher of the Liceo artistico "Mario D’Aleo" (Art School) of Monreale Urso Francesco, teacher of the Liceo artistico "Mario D’Aleo" (Art School) of Monreale Gian Piero Brovedani, director of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in

CONFERENCE Mercoledì 20 aprile 2022, ore 10.00. Palazzo Tadea, square Castello, Spilimbergo Mosaics and tapestries in the Vatican collections: two techniques compared   Moderator: Paolo Coretti, architect Speakers: Guido Cornini, Head of the Department of Arts of the Vatican Museums Anna Maria De Strobel, sart historian, former curator of the tapestries and fabrics department of the Vatican Museums   Short biography of the speakers Paolo Coretti Guido Cornini Anna Maria De Strobel   For

CONFERENCE in collaboration with the Municipality of Sequals Gian Domenico Facchina and the modern mosaic   Plan: welcome from Enrico Odorico, mayor of Sequals, and Stefano Lovison, president of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli introduction by Gian Piero Brovedani, director of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli report by Gianni Colledani, researcher and expert in local history images and videos by Leonardo Zecchinon   Short biography of the speaker   Sala SOMSI

The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli on the anniversary of the ten years of activity of the cultural and musical Association "AUDiMuS", offers its patronage to two symphonic concerts dedicated to this important milestone and which are scheduled for Saturday 12 February 2022 at the Cathedral of Udine and Sunday 13 February 2022 at the Zotti Auditorium in San Vito al

The birthday of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli was celebrated on Saturday 22 January 2022 in a theater packed with the public. Authorities, administrators of the territory, alumni and pupils, entrepreneurs, citizens and many people who in some way have intertwined their life with the School have come from all over the region and not only to the Cinema Teatro