toria del colore

The 103rd school year begins

allievi nel laboratorio di disegno

The 103rd school year begins

The 2024/2025 training year, the 103rd of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, will open on Monday 30 September 2024 in an unusual and evocative setting. According to a now consolidated practice, it is the last Monday of September, the day that starts the school calendar; for the inaugural ceremony, which in past years took place, again in Spilimbergo, in the great hall of the School itself, at the Cinema Teatro Miotto and in the Cathedral, the Church of Saints Giuseppe and Pantaleone was chosen, an important building for history and art , also known as the Friars’ church, with a splendid Renaissance wooden choir and where the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli created the Stations of the Cross. This is in fact a way to offer students the opportunity, from the first day, to get closer to the territorial context that hosts them and which, we remember, is the cradle of mosaic art.
Therefore, everyone, including teachers and the administrative and technical team of the School, will gather in an official moment of sharing, knowledge and good wishes to then return to the School and carry out the usual practices and tasks in all the first days of school.

There will also be the new faces of the students who will begin their training course at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli. Three years of study, experiences, meetings and opportunities that will catapult them into the world of art and high artistic craftsmanship, towards the professional qualification of Master Mosaicist and solid prospects for the future. They are young women and men eager to embark on a new adventure; they come from Italy, but also from France, Poland, Russia, Romania, Albania. They will be supported in their journey of learning and professional growth by the students of the second and third courses (the training path to obtain the professional qualification of Master Mosaicist lasts three years) who, of course, move with more confidence and conviction within the School, despite knowing that they have to overcome various challenges to master technical skills and expressive forms not yet acquired. With them, the international significance of the Mosaic School of Friuli expands: Australia, Greece, Germany and Ukraine are added to the countries already mentioned as places of origin of future mosaic artists.

At the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli this month, work has been done to set up the laboratories and carefully prepare materials and instruments, but it is above all the drafting of educational programs and joint projects that has most occupied the teachers who have already planned a series of collaborations with laboratories, companies and external professionals, from the region and beyond, with a view to specialist growth and direct comparison with the world of work.

Therefore, in October, training activities will resume at full speed and the hammers will once again ring out in the corridors. As always, the Mosaic School will be open to anyone who wants to know more about this historic institution, to anyone who wants to observe the application of the “learning by doing” model, of the importance of the experience of craftsmanship, unique, unrepeatable, quality, to those who are curious to understand how teachers and students interact by developing projects together, and above all to those who doubt that art, mosaic, is the cause and ultimate goal for building relationships and friendships in the name of respect and multiculturalism.


allievi secondo corso 2024

Students of the second course 2023/2024 in the mosaic-reverse technique laboratory on paper


September 26, 2024