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The poster of Folkest 2022

Folkest 2022 logo

The poster of Folkest 2022

The poster of Folkest 2022, a musical event that involves the whole region, pays homage to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, in its hundred years of activity.

On the poster of this 44th edition of the Folkest there is a detail of the stele, made by the School, which interprets the figures and decorative forms of the Austrian architect and artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, a work of 1998, more than three meters high, now located in the entrance to the Miotto Theater in Spilimbergo. The logo of the event itself is made up of mosaic processing details that characterize the stele.

Folkest, directed by Andrea Del Favero, is produced by Folkgiornale with the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the Friuli Foundation, PromoTurismoFVG, the municipalities of Spilimbergo and Udine, Friulovest Banca and 28 municipalities of Friuli Venezia Giulia. This year also theScuola Mosaicisti del Friuli wanted to participate and collaborate in the success of the event.

Folkest enhances diversity and folkloric cultures through musical expression. The rich program organized, and presented on the morning of 18 May 2022 right at the Miotto Theater, provides, from 16 June to 6 July, as many as 55 appointments with over 60 groups and guests, including shows, music and meetings starting with live concerts. located on the territory of Friuli Venezia Giulia, but also in Koper, as well as some special events in the months of July and August.


On the official website of Folkest the complete program of events.


Folkest poster 2022 A


May 19, 2022