toria del colore

The School at the Regional Council of Friuli Venezia Giulia

Al Consiglio Regionale

The School at the Regional Council of Friuli Venezia Giulia

To celebrate the hundred years of life of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, the president Stefano Lovison and the director Gian Piero Brovedani were invited to the Regional Council on Thursday 13 January 2022. Welcomed by the president Piero Mauro Zanin who defined the School as the “artistic expression and strength of a territory”, they were able to present the history of this institution and its future prospects. The mayor of Spilimbergo Enrico Sarcinelli also greeted.

For the occasion, the mosaic Passeggiata in RGB was presented, conceived by the mosaic teacher Cristina De Leoni and performed by the students of the third course in the training year 2012/2013. The work will remain on display in the space in front of the Council Chamber as a symbolic sign of the link between the place where “the rules of coexistence of our region” and the territory it represents are discussed. A territory which, President Zanin recalled, has seen many skilled workers able to bring Friulian art and expertise to the world and which today becomes, as in the case of the School, a place of arrival for many young people who come to learn the art of mosaic in Spilimbergo.

Passeggiata in RGB (Walk in RGB), through a series of moving figures, plays on the combination of the three colors, red, green and blue, which determine the RGB additive model, used in electronic devices. From the juxtaposition of these three colors we obtain the vision of different colors: it is a perceptive synthesis on which the mosaic is also based. The vision of the tiles in their shades changes according to the distance between the mosaic and the viewer. The different colors blend to give shape to the figures represented, but up close they appear in their multiple chromatic variety. The small units of various sizes, the tiles in fact, differ in arrangement, profile, surface, relief and determine in the interpretation of the whole the rhythm of the image, its vitality, its strength that remains vibrant in the eyes of the beholder and it changes according to the light, the space and the context in which it is immersed. The progress of these figures towards a goal, their safe, orderly and compact walk wants to be a metaphor for the achievement of important objectives for our Region. This aspiration is transformed into a common movement towards the future: the hope that each one, with his progress, will achieve the results he has set for himself and that together we can make our territory the best in which to live.


Al Consiglio Regionale 13 gennaio 2022 per i cento anni


14 January 2022