Vittoria Alata Award to the pupil Chiara Fornasari
In a heartfelt ceremony in the Municipality of Pordenone, Wednesday 25 May 2022, the name of the winner of the Vittoria Alata Award was unveiled, the recognition offered by FIDAPA – Italian Federation of Women Arts Professions Business of Pordenone, now in its eighth edition.
FIDAPA has chosen this year to award the professional category of nurses who, in a pandemic period, have shown courage, resistance and empathy. The students of the Scola Mosaicisti del Friuli were asked to design a mosaic to celebrate them. Among the sketches presented, the winner was Chiara Fornasari, a student of the third course, who will translate her drawing into a mosaic to be placed in the hospital in Pordenone.
The ceremony was attended by various authorities including the mayor of Pordenone Alessandro Ciriani and the Councilor Pietro Tropeano, the president Stefano Lovison and the director Gian Piero Brovedani, a large group of health workers who have the award was received on behalf of the nurses who work in the various hospitals and health centers in the Pordenone area.
The collaboration between the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and the FIDAPA of Pordenone has led, through the Vittoria Alata Award, to the creation of significant mosaics which, on the one hand, highlight the importance and contribution of women in society, past and present, addressing a once again attention is paid to the issues of gender equality in the workplace, on the other hand they have stimulated the students of the School to conceive and execute new works that have then gone on to embellish public spaces. The one of the past edition, for example, is now located in the atrium of the Gabelli primary school in Pordenone and the author is Chiara Platolino, now a mosaicist and teacher of the School.
Annamaria Poggioli, president of FIDAPA Pordenone, strongly supported the choice to give credit to the thousands of nurses who in the health emergency “have shown not only professional self-denial, but have always offered patients moral and psychological support, with sensitivity and humanity”. A dutiful thanks therefore expressed through this Award of which Romanina Santin was the promoter and supporter. Welcomed to the School to present the announcement to students in each edition, Romanina Santin was able to express on this occasion, retracing its history, the purposes of an award that brings together and enhances many female strengths.
FIDAPA Pordenone and the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli: the president Lovison, the president Poggioli, the winner Chiara Fornasari and the director Brovedani
The winning sketch of the Vittoria Alata 2022 Award
Article published in “Messaggero Veneto” of 26 May 2022
May 29, 2022