toria del colore

CREAttivo #2. Winning projects selected.

The initiative of the Cologni Foundation entitled Artigiano del Cuore is known. It is a competition aimed at artisans up to 35 years of age who own a business founded in the last 3 years (company or VAT number). The winners will receive a cash prize to support their work: the aim of the competition is to encourage young entrepreneurs in

On show the works of the sixth edition of Mosaic Young Talent. The exhibition Icons of Art, a gallery of mosaic portraits, opens on Friday 14 May in the exhibition space of the “Silvia Zenari” Civic Museum of Natural History in Pordenone. These are the works presented by the students of the last year of the Scuola mosaicisti del Friuli in the

The second edition of the CREAttivo project, the competition of ideas reserved for the students of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and aimed at creating mosaic surfaces for design, is underway. Conceived by the Maravee Cultural Association, the competition was born from the collaboration with the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and sees the participation of three furniture manufacturing companies Gervasoni,

The exhibition opens on Saturday 10 October 2020, at 11.00 at Palazzo Tadea in Spilimbergo CREAttivo. Eccellenze FVG fra arte e impresa (FVG excellence between art and business) the result of the collaboration between the Maravee Cultural Association and the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli. In April 2020, an ideas competition was held for the students of the School aimed at creating