toria del colore

A new mosaic in Lignano Pineta

The mosaic work of the Simposio di Mosaico (Mosaic Symposium) 2024 was inaugurated in Lignano Pineta. An expansion intervention which involved the seaside office n. 5 on the Kechler Waterfront. In the presence of civil and religious authorities, representatives of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the Veneto Region, the Municipality of Lignano, the president Stefano Lovison and the director Gian Piero

Giorgio Ardito, president of the Lignano Pineta Society, and Gian Piero Brovedani, director of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, presented this morning, at the Hotel President, the tenth Mosaic Symposium in Lignano Pineta, in progress, and which will end with the inauguration. of the work Omaggio ad Afro Basaldella - Tribute to Afro Basaldella Saturday 2 July 2022 at 11.00

The 10th Mosaic Symposium in Lignano Pineta will end with the inauguration of the work Homage to Afro Basaldella on Saturday 2 July 2022 at 11.00 at Bathroom 6 - French flag. This is in fact the bathing establishment involved, in this summer 2022, in the renovation and mosaic decoration which, in past seasons, has involved the other buildings of

From Monday 3 to Saturday 15 June the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli will be present at the 7th Mosaic Symposium organized by Lignano Pineta SpA at bathroom 3 - the English flag of the same seaside resort. This occasion will involve the mosaic artists of the Postgraduate Course of the Spilimbergo Institute, who will interpret in mosaic a workby