toria del colore

Inauguration exhibition Mosaic & Mosaics 2018

At the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli - a recognized institute among the training and entrepreneurial excellences of the territory - the Team Building is strongly desired by Michela del Piero, President of Civibank (Banca di Cividale) and Corrado Alberto Fois Director of Operations and Change. Twenty-four employees of Civibank, future managers and managers of the Bank, are involved, selected

On the occasion of the third edition of the "Stati Generali dei Cammini", which will take place in Colloredo di Monte Albano (UD), the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli will be present with a selection of some mosaic works. The exhibition, entitled "MOSAICO

The fourth edition of the MOSAIC YOUNG TALENT Prize (MYT 2019), presented to the students of the third course of the Spilimberghese Institute, presented at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, thanks to an initiative promoted by the Naonis Cultural Association of Pordenone in collaboration with the School itself . Introduced by the President Stefano Lovison and the Director Gian

From 5 to 7 October back to Spilimbergo Art & Mosaico, the biennial event dedicated to the mosaic art that awaits you with a rich program of appointments between conferences, meetings, exhibitions and more. The artistic direction of this third edition was curated by Stefano Jus.   The event, strongly desired by the municipal administration of Spilimbergo, is organized with the collaboration

Ready, go. The students of the school mosaicists of Friuli, two days after the start of the 97 ° formative year, went on a didactic visit to Venice for "Homo Faber. Crafting a more human future, "The great exposition on the European Artigian excellence that will be possible to visit until September 30, 2018. The initiative is carried out by

This morning at the school mosaicists of Friuli was inaugurated by President Stefano Lovison and the director Gian Piero Brovedani the formative year 2018-2019. Present at the start of the courses the Spilimbergo' Mayor Enrico Sarcinelli is The regional councillor for the budget, Barbara Zilli, Who wanted to highlight the excellence of the cultural proposal offered by the school

La Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli is present at “Homo Faber. Crafting a more human future”, The great event on the European Artigian Excellence to be held in Venice from 14 to 30 September 2018. The initiative is carried out by the Michelangelo Foundation (commissioned and founded two years ago by the will of Franco Cologni and Jhoann Rupert) in collaboration

The triennial professional coursesfor the A.F. 2018/2019 will depart Monday, September 24, 2018 with an inaugural lecture. The students of the first, second and third courses are invited to present directly in the Aula Magna (first floor of the school mosaicists of Friuli) at 8.30 hours. Good beginning to all!

Continues with success the exhibition "Mosaic & Mosaics 2018" which is registering a large influx of public, confirming the school mosaicists of the Friuli neuralgic point of tourism-cultural of the region even during the summer. There are also numerous accessions to the competition "a tile for a mosaic". This initiative has been conceived by the school to offer a mosaic work

The exhibition "Mosaic & Mosaics 2018. Selection of the works carried out by the students in the formative year 2017/2018 ", inaugurated last July 27, is already registering a large influx of public confirming the school mosaicists of Friuli Point of reference of tourism-cultural Region and not only. The Institute, in fact, continues to enhance the history of mosaic and