toria del colore

Mosaics in Pordenone Antiquaria

The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli is present at the XII Antiques Fair "Pordenone Antiquaria" these days in Hall 5 of the Pordenone fair. Invited by the organizers of the fair, recognized as the most important and richest antiques market exhibition in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the School exhibits a selection of Roman-style mosaics in a space dedicated to it on the occasion

The highlight of the day on Friday 22 April 2022 was the presentation of the ordinary stamp issued by the Ministry of Economic Development to celebrate the Mosaic School of Friuli on the centenary of its foundation. “On this date (April 22, 2022) ”declared Stefano Lovison, the President of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli,“ a postage stamp honoring the School and

Started with the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli protagonist of large decorations in architectural spaces, the rich afternoon of Friday 22 April 2022 ended with the same School in the center instead of a small but very precious space, that of a new stamp from the series' the Excellence of knowledge'. A meeting dedicated to the relationship between mosaic and architecture was

How do you become a mosaic artist? A round table organized by the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli this morning at Palazzo Tadea in Spilimbergo compared the main institutions that deal with the art of mosaic to make it a profession. Coordinated by Paolo Coretti, there were representatives of the Ravenna Academy of Fine Arts, the "Mario D'Aleo" artistic high school

The first appointment in the series of study meetings dedicated to the art of mosaic and organized by the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli was held this morning at Palazzo Tadea in Spilimbergo. Special guests were Anna Maria De Strobel and Guido Cornini, art historians and officials of the Musei Vaticani (Vatican Museums), respectively the curator of the Tapestries and Textiles Department

From Wednesday 20 April to Sunday 24 April 2022 Spilimbergo, City of the Mosaic, will come alive to celebrate the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli. After the success of the ceremony on 22 January, when the start of the historic institution was commemorated at the Cinema Teatro Miotto, next week various meetings, exhibitions, visits, appointments are scheduled, which are part of

We wish you a Happy Easter!   The image chosen is the mosaic panel of the Resurrection in Cercivento, created by the Mosaic School of Friuli based on a design by Paolo Orlando in 2013 for the path Cercivento: an open-air Bible. 17 April 2022

A new agreement was ratified between the Afds-Associazione Friulana Donatori di Sangue (Friulian Blood Donors Association) of Udine and the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, during the meeting between their respective presidents, Roberto Flora and Stefano Lovison, which took place in the prestigious Spilimbergo headquarters of the training institute which this year celebrates 100 years of activity. It is a collaboration

Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli will be the protagonist of the Udinese TV program Friuli chiama mondo - Friuli calls world which will be broadcast tonight, 1 April 2022, at 9.30 pm on channel 12. From the Spilimbergo school to the world. Stories of Friulian mosaicists, this is the title of the program conducted by Giorgia Bortolossi and which will see the