toria del colore

“Mosaic Stage for designers of Kia Hyundai Motors”

At the school mosaicists of Friuli is taking place an internship dedicated to the mosaic for the designers of Kia Hyundai Motors of Seoul (South Korea). Six designers are involved, accompanied by Professor Park Joung Suh, promoter of the initiative and professor of design at Kookimin University in Seoul. Historical subjects-like the Knot of Solomon-, but also free subjects-figurative or non-figurative-allow

Si Closes Sunday, May 31, the exhibition "Power of Water, the journey that transforms energy", an art exhibition that also involves the school mosaicists of Friuli. The exhibition was organized by the municipal administration of Montereale Valcellina at the Central-museum "Antonio Pitter" of Malnisio, with great interest in the project of Valorisation of the Territory. For the exhibition, gli

The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, Already reported among the institutes of Excellence in the book promoted by the Fondazione Cologni “The rule of talent. Art crafts and Italian Schools of Excellence” (Marsilio Editori 2014), was identified among the training institutions to be involved in the project “A school, a job. Paths of Excellence”. It is an initiative-always promoted by the

The exhibition "The School mosaicists of Friuli" at the Galleria Eurovea in Bratislava in Slovakia ended with success of public and critics. In the concluding official ceremony, scheduled for this important event, were eloquent and felt the interventions of the illustrious personalities who have drawn all positive considerations on the exhibition: Ivan Gašparovic (President of the Republic Slovakia), Milan Ftácnik

Board of Directors   First Board of directors for the new board of the school mosaicists of Friuli, but in the sign of continuity. Recently, in fact, Alido Gerussi was reappointed president of the school mosaicists of Friuli during the last assembly of members, who renewed his mandate for the commitment and work done in recent years. In The board of directors

In its peculiarity, the school mosaicists of Friuli is a unique institute of its kind for the formation of young mosaicists who can aspire to concretize the knowledge acquired in a creative profession. It is important to know the school mosaicists of Friuli among the opportunities of choice of post-diploma study. The vocational qualification courses are three-year didactic courses, open to all

The school mosaicists of Friuli hosted, at the Aula Magna, some representatives of Confartigianato for a meeting-directed to students of all courses-aimed at offering a point of view on what it means to do business today. An important moment of contact with the world of production and orientation to work for future mosaicists. The representatives of Confartigianato enterprises of the Province of

Event Exhibition of the school mosaicists of Friuli at Villa manin di Passariano (June/July 2012) to honor the 90 years of the Institute (1922-2012) To share this important moment, the school mosaicists intends to host on display also some mosaic works made by former pupils, to whom it is addressed with an open letter, annexed here, signed by the President Alido Gerussi.   Dear