toria del colore

The events for the Centenary

The 4th A - International Relations and Marketing Department of the Mattiussi-Pertini Institute in Pordenone - won the Best Research Award at the Unternehmen Deutsch - Piazza Affari Tedesco 2020/2021 competition promoted by the Goethe Institut at national level. The Goethe Institut competition was the pretext to bring the educational environment and the world of work closer and stimulate the creative

The Cross Fertilization appointments organized by the NIP Consortium - Industrialization Unit of the Province of Pordenone continue at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in Spilimbergo. The protagonists of the last meeting (23 June 2021) were the participants of the Evolution Group, or local entrepreneurs who, on the initiative of the NIP Consortium, decided to network and benefit from sharing

The exhibition The ways of art - Watercolor, Painting, Mosaic3D, curated by the Circle of art and culture "Per le antiche vie" of Montereale Valcellina opens on Thursday 6 May 2021, with the collaboration of Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli. The exhibition, commissioned by the Pitars wine company and hosted at its winery in San Martino al Tagliamento, brings together three different

Scuola Mosaicisti di Spilimbergo and Consorzio NIP: a collaboration in favor of companies A new opportunity is emerging for the companies of the Spilimbergo-Maniago axis, namely the possibility of being involved in the Cross Fertilization project which sees the NIP Consortium - Nucleo of Industrialization of the Province of Pordenone on the one hand and on the other the Scuola Mosaicisti

Two days of internships dedicated to mosaic (22-23 February 2021) for the team of the new Deuma company. Deuma is a business project that was born within the 4th A of the RIM (International Relations and Marketing) address ofMattiussi-Pertini Institute of Pordenone. The project was born at the request of the program "Unternehmen Deutsch - Piazza Affari Tedesco" promoted by the

The Goethe Institut's "Unternehmen Deutsch - Piazza Affari Tedesco" project was the pretext for starting a collaboration between the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in Spilimbergo and the Mattiussi-Pertini Institute in Pordenone. This represents for students a link between the educational environment and the world of work and fosters their creative and entrepreneurial spirit. From the idea of ​​the IV A