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A few more days to visit the exhibition

The MOSAICO&MOSAICI 2021 exhibition is open until Sunday 29 August (inclusive). Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli is ready to welcome you! For more information: tel. +39 0427 2077   Exhibition MOSAICO&MOSAICI 2021 From 31 July to 29 August 2021 Every day, from 10.00 to 12.30 and from 16.30 to 20.00. To visit the exhibition it is necessary to have a green certification (green pass) or a negative

Based on the provisions of Law Decree no. 105 of 23 July 2021, from 6 August 2021 to visit the Mosaico&Mosaici 2021 exhibition and the School it is necessary to have a green certification (green pass). For more information: tel. +39 0427 2077; e-mail:   Exhibition MOSAICO&MOSAICI 2021 From 31 July to 29 August 2021 It can be visited every day from 10 am

On Tuesday 10 August at 9.36 pm on channel 103 RAI 3 bis, within the programming La television par furlan, a video will be broadcast on the Mosaico&Mosaici 2021 exhibition curated by the journalist Antonia Pillosio. On the official website of the RAI we read:   MOSAICO&MOSAICI a Spilimberc by Antonia Pillosio E à vierzût a Spilimberc la mostre estive anuâl de Scuele Mosaiciscj dal

Based on the provisions of Law Decree no. 105 of 23 July 2021, from 6 August 2021 to visit the Mosaico&Mosaici 2021 exhibition and the School it is necessary to have a green certification (green pass). For more information: tel. +39 0427 2077; e-mail:   Exhibition MOSAICO&MOSAICI 2021 From 31 July to 29 August 2021 It can be visited every day from 10 am

As part of the events organized by the De Claricini Dornpacher Foundation for the 700th anniversary of Dante's death, the exhibition curated by Scuola mosaicisti del Friuli and dedicated to contemporary mosaic opens on Sunday 16 May 2021 in the space of the nineteenth-century lemon house. Investigating the figure of Dante does not only mean confirming the importance of his work

On show the works of the sixth edition of Mosaic Young Talent. The exhibition Icons of Art, a gallery of mosaic portraits, opens on Friday 14 May in the exhibition space of the “Silvia Zenari” Civic Museum of Natural History in Pordenone. These are the works presented by the students of the last year of the Scuola mosaicisti del Friuli in the

The exhibition The ways of art - Watercolor, Painting, Mosaic3D, curated by the Circle of art and culture "Per le antiche vie" of Montereale Valcellina opens on Thursday 6 May 2021, with the collaboration of Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli. The exhibition, commissioned by the Pitars wine company and hosted at its winery in San Martino al Tagliamento, brings together three different

On the day dedicated to Dante, on Monday established by the Ministry of Culture to celebrate the Italian language and its most historic exponent, the Municipality of San Vito al Tagliamento presented. Dante Alighieri, un ricordo, una presenza (Dante Alighieri, a memory, a presence): an event to illustrate the exhibition dedicated to Dante's testimonies documented in the territory of San