toria del colore

Mosaic, sacred art and literature

On Friday 27 May 2022, in the Theater Hall in Piazza Duomo in Spilimbergo, the Mosaic, sacred art and literature conference will take place, organized by the Imago Musiva Culture Association as part of the celebrations for the centenary of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli. It is a rich afternoon of study dedicated to the mosaic of a sacred topic. A

The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli is present at the XII Antiques Fair "Pordenone Antiquaria" these days in Hall 5 of the Pordenone fair. Invited by the organizers of the fair, recognized as the most important and richest antiques market exhibition in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the School exhibits a selection of Roman-style mosaics in a space dedicated to it on the occasion

A new agreement was ratified between the Afds-Associazione Friulana Donatori di Sangue (Friulian Blood Donors Association) of Udine and the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, during the meeting between their respective presidents, Roberto Flora and Stefano Lovison, which took place in the prestigious Spilimbergo headquarters of the training institute which this year celebrates 100 years of activity. It is a collaboration

As part of the events for the centenary of the Friuli Mosaic School, on Saturday 19 March 2022 the figure of the mosaicist, entrepreneur and innovator Gian Domenico Facchina, originally from Sequals and recognized as the most important mosaicist of the Nineteenth century, will be presented in Sequals.   Plan: welcome from Enrico Odorico, mayor of Sequals, and Stefano Lovison, president of the

CONFERENCE in collaboration with the Municipality of Sequals Gian Domenico Facchina and the modern mosaic   Plan: welcome from Enrico Odorico, mayor of Sequals, and Stefano Lovison, president of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli introduction by Gian Piero Brovedani, director of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli report by Gianni Colledani, researcher and expert in local history images and videos by Leonardo Zecchinon   Short biography of the speaker   Sala SOMSI

On Sunday 25 July 2021 at 6.45 pm the table with benches and the information bulletin board, produced by the Legnolandia company and enriched with mosaic interventions, will be inaugurated in the Park of the Castle of Gemona del Friuli (UD), winning results of the CREAttivo #2 ideas competition. Curated by the Maravee Association in collaboration with the Mosaic School of

The mosaic intervention made during this year's Symposium at the bathing establishment 1 in Lignano Pineta was presented on Sunday 27 June 2021. Event now in its ninth edition, the Mosaic Symposium, promoted by Giorgio Ardito, president of the Lignano Pineta Society, in collaboration with the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, is an opportunity for tourists and Lignano citizens to learn

A few days before Christmas, the large mosaic From the Karst to the sea was inaugurated in Piazzetta Montes in Monfalcone. The mosaic, the sketch of which was designed by the architect Sergio Valcovich, was commissioned by the Municipality of Monfalcone to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, which managed the execution phases and installation. It is an urban intervention of great