toria del colore

Mark the date on the agenda!

The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli will participate in the Degustibus event offering the possibility of two exclusive guided tours. On Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 October 2021 Spilimbergo will host food and wine and artisan stands accompanied by a series of cultural and leisure moments to offer visitors the opportunity to appreciate traditional agricultural products, but also to get to

Thursday 15 july 2021 the Rotary Club Maniago-Spilimbergo hosted, in the suggestive Painted House in the historic center of Spilimbergo, a meeting dedicated to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli entitled The Mosaic School: between tradition and innovation. The guest-speaker was the director of the School, Gian Piero Brovedani, who presented the history and future perspectives of an institution founded in

On Sunday 25 July 2021 at 6.45 pm the table with benches and the information bulletin board, produced by the Legnolandia company and enriched with mosaic interventions, will be inaugurated in the Park of the Castle of Gemona del Friuli (UD), winning results of the CREAttivo #2 ideas competition. Curated by the Maravee Association in collaboration with the Mosaic School of

On the morning of Friday 25 June 2021 the two-wheel marathon in favor of the Italian Red Cross stopped at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli. This is the Turin-Solferino, a cycle-solidarity ride on the road, now in its second edition, made by volunteer CRI athletes with the support of the territorial committees. Held from 22 to 26 June 2021, it featured

The Cross Fertilization appointments organized by the NIP Consortium - Industrialization Unit of the Province of Pordenone continue at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in Spilimbergo. The protagonists of the last meeting (23 June 2021) were the participants of the Evolution Group, or local entrepreneurs who, on the initiative of the NIP Consortium, decided to network and benefit from sharing

A monument dedicated to women in viticulture was inaugurated on Saturday 12 June 2021 in Rauscedo di San Giorgio della Richinvelda. It is a three-dimensional mosaic stele conceived within the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and created by the students of the 2019/2020 postgraduate course Wanted by the municipal administration of San Giorgio della Richinvelda as a sign of thanks to all

The Stele dedicated to Novella Cantarutti, poetess, researcher and teacher, was inaugurated, located in the green lawn in front of the entrance to the Bernardino Partenio Civic Library in Spilimbergo. The work, strongly desired by the Municipality of Spilimbergo and created by the Scuola mosaicisti del Friuli, was presented as a sketch on 6 December 2019, right in the library, on