CREAttivo Award: competition of ideas for the students of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli
Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, in collaboration with the Maravee Cultural Association, offers its students (enrolled in the 2019/2020 training year) a competition of ideas aimed at creating mosaic surfaces for interior design. The competition falls within the scope of the project CREAttivo. Eccellenze FVG tra arte e impresa (FVG excellences between art and business)conceived and directed precisely by the Maravee Cultural
Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in the magazine “Quaderni di orientamento”
Quaderni di orientamento (Orientation Papers) is a six-monthly magazine for guidance practitioners and teachers, published by the Servizio Apprendimento permanente e Fondo Sociale Europe (Lifelong Learning Service and the European Social Fund) of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. The magazine consists of several interventions interspersed with images dedicated to a place, an institution, an artist
From Anna a drawing for the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli
We receive from Anna, 8 years, student of the third class of the Primary School of Spilimbergo, this drawing, made thinking of the art of mosaic and its city. We publish it with pleasure, as a sign of thanks and gratitude. To Anna, thanks from the whole Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli!
Suspension of teaching activity until 3 May
We inform you that, for the epidemiological emergency from COVID-2019 (Coronavirus) according to decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of April 10, 2020, the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli suspends the teaching activity until May 3, 2020. The School remains available for any information to the following contacts: tel. 0427 2077, email (from Monday to Friday from 8.00
Suspension of visits to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli
We inform you that, according to the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 10 April 2020, public visits to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli are suspended. Other information by contacting tel. 0427 2077 or by writing to
Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli on the “Obiettivo Friuli” radio broadcast
Tomorrow, Wednesday 8 April, the episode of Obiettivo Friuli - Voci a confronto e attualità del territorio sotto la lente (Voices in comparison and topicality of the territory under the lens) will be dedicated to the famous mosaicist Giandomenico Facchina and to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli. Obiettivo Friuli, broadcast by the journalist Alberto Rochira, airs at 11.18 on Radio
Suspension of visits to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli
We inform you that, according to the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of April 1, 2020,visits to the publicat the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli are suspended until Monday April 13, 2020. Other information by contacting tel. 0427 2077 or by writing to
Suspension of teaching activity until April 13th
We inform you that, for the epidemiological emergency from COVID-2019 (Coronavirus) according to decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of April 1, 2020, the Mosaic School of Friuli suspends the teaching activity until Monday April 13, 2020. The School remains available for any information to the following contacts: tel. 0427 2077, email (from Monday to Friday from
The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in «Il Sole 24 ORE»
Friday 20 March 2020 in the economic newspaper "Il Sole 24 ORE" in the "Nordest" supplement, the journalist Barbara Ganz has reserved a space for the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli as part of the article Il mosaico ritorna a casa: Trend rilancia il sito di Vivaro (The mosaic returns home: Trend relaunches the Vivaro place). The School is recognized as
Short courses of April 10 and May 1 canceled
Due to the epidemiological emergency from COVID-2019 (Coronavirus), the Mosaic School of Friuli is forced, in spite of itself, to cancel the short courses that had as their starting date on April 10 and May 1. We hope to recover these two courses on other dates during the year. The other courses indicated on the specific Short Courses page remain confirmed
Virtual visit to the School
In this particular period, the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli is not accessible to visitors. However, we want to make it visible through a virtual visit that consists of a movie and a gallery of recently made photographs. #VEDISCUOLAMOSAICISTIFRIULI #VEDISCUOLAMOSAICISTI #TENIAMOCINCONTATTO Clickto see the video La Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli(2019, duration 10'13 '') Italian version English version Browse the photos of Denis Scarpante from
Communication to all students of the School
Following the international emergency from COVID-2019 (Coronavirus), school attendance was suspended until Monday 13 April 2020. However, the Mosaic School of Friuli has activated a series of tools for a distance learning path and has put in place a series of measures to ensure that students can conclude the year with adequate preparation. The Director communicated it with a letter addressed to