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Visits suspended to set up Mosaico & Mosaici 2022

The Mosaico&Mosaici 2022 exhibition is underway, the annual event that presents the best results of the training year just ended. Now in its twenty-eighth edition, it is charged with an additional value: it is in fact the exhibition of the school's hundredth year of activity. Accompanied by a rich illustrated catalog, the exhibition is set up in the School's laboratories, which

The Assembly of the Consortium for the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli met on Tuesday afternoon 5 July 2022. On the agenda, among the various topics, the entry of a new body, the Municipality of Morsano al Tagliamento, which brings the number of members to 56, including local authorities and various trade associations. There was also the approval of the final balance

Giorgio Ardito, president of the Lignano Pineta Society, and Gian Piero Brovedani, director of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, presented this morning, at the Hotel President, the tenth Mosaic Symposium in Lignano Pineta, in progress, and which will end with the inauguration. of the work Omaggio ad Afro Basaldella - Tribute to Afro Basaldella Saturday 2 July 2022 at 11.00

With the award of the brand “Io Sono Friuli Venezia Giulia” ("I am Friuli Venezia Giulia"), the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli becomes part of the collective project that testifies to the environmental, economic and social sustainability and the origin of the productions and initiatives born in our region and proud of be part of it. A brand therefore symbol of

Sixteen new Mosaic Masters crown the 100th scolastic year.With an official ceremony, the new Mosaic Masters were recognized who, having completed the exams with excellent results, reached the desired goal. An objective that seemed distant when they enrolled in the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, agreeing to come to Friuli even from distant countries to learn an ancient and fascinating art

The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli participated in the Pordenone Fashion Night with a proposal that combines a tailored suit with a precious and distinctive mosaic intervention Held at the Verdi Theater in Pordenone, on the evening of Thursday 16 June 2022, "Pordenone Fashion Night" is an event dedicated to the fashion sector, now in its fifth edition and promoted by the

The 10th Mosaic Symposium in Lignano Pineta will end with the inauguration of the work Homage to Afro Basaldella on Saturday 2 July 2022 at 11.00 at Bathroom 6 - French flag. This is in fact the bathing establishment involved, in this summer 2022, in the renovation and mosaic decoration which, in past seasons, has involved the other buildings of

Within the annual festival Come acqua de' fiumi, curated by the Istituto Musicale Guido Alberto Fano of Spilimbergo (22-26 June 2022), there is an event dedicated to the hundred years of the Friuli Mosaic School.Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli. The Fano Institute has in fact created a musical appointment within the School for Saturday 25 June 2022, from 11.00. With the evocative