toria del colore

A collaboration with the students of the Mattiussi-Pertini Higher Institute

The Goethe Institut's "Unternehmen Deutsch - Piazza Affari Tedesco" project was the pretext for starting a collaboration between the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in Spilimbergo and the Mattiussi-Pertini Institute in Pordenone. This represents for students a link between the educational environment and the world of work and fosters their creative and entrepreneurial spirit. From the idea of ​​the IV A

A few days before Christmas, the large mosaic From the Karst to the sea was inaugurated in Piazzetta Montes in Monfalcone. The mosaic, the sketch of which was designed by the architect Sergio Valcovich, was commissioned by the Municipality of Monfalcone to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, which managed the execution phases and installation. It is an urban intervention of great

The mosaic in the center of the new roundabout at the entrance to Viale Venezia in Udine was inaugurated yesterday. Created by the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli in Spilimbergo, commissioned by the Municipality of Udine and financed by Lidl Italia, the mosaic greets those who arrive in the city from the west and do so with that black and white

A new mosaic was placed inside the Cordenons Town Hall to decorate the corridor leading to the Mayor's office: a collective work born during the 2019 Festa delle Zucche (Pumpkin Festival). Precisely because it is linked to this occasion, the mosaic can only have as its subject the well-known autumn vegetable from whose shapes the number 25 emerges to recall

On Friday 27 November 2020 a roundabout was inaugurated at the entrance to the Municipality of Cormons (former Caramel roundabout). The roundabout that was created for road safety, ordering the traffic of 5 streets (the main ones: Viale Friuli, Viale Venezia Giulia, Via Madonnina and Via Roma), also has a decorative value and welcomes those arriving in Cormons. It contains a

Gian Piero Brovedani, director of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, will participate in the online meeting entitled The parallel worlds of craftsmanship which will take place on Thursday 19 November 2020, from 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm. Organized by the Culturit Venezia network with the support of the Ca 'Foscari University, the meeting is part of StravolgEventi, an online event consisting

Distance teaching (DAD) continues for the students of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli for theoretical subjects such as Mosaic History, Applied Geometry, Computer Science and Computer Graphics, Materials Technology, Digital Modeling and Documentation and enhancement of mosaic works. This method, already tested in the spring of this year, allows students to follow the lessons from home, maintaining a constant and active

An urban intervention, not only decorative, but also didactic: this will be the large mosaic that the Municipality of Monfalcone has imagined for Piazzetta Montes, entrusting its construction to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli. It is a panel that, developing for 12 meters, presents the variety of the territory of Monfalcone: the transition from the karst to the marine environment,