toria del colore

The new formative year of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli is inaugurated, the hundredth

The training year 2021/2022 of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli opened with the traditional inaugural ceremony. From the stalls of the Miotto Theater in Spilimbergo, the students, teachers, staff of the School, together with local authorities and administrators present, listened to words of good wishes and encouragement from the guests present: the regional councilor for finance Barbara Zilli, the MEP

The new formative year of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli opens on Monday 27 September 2021. Students and teachers will be welcomed at the Miotto Cinema Theater in Spilimbergo, at 9 am for the traditional inauguration ceremony. In addition to the President of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, Stefano Lovison and the Director Gian Piero Brovedani, the Regional Councilor for

The 4th A - International Relations and Marketing Department of the Mattiussi-Pertini Institute in Pordenone - won the Best Research Award at the Unternehmen Deutsch - Piazza Affari Tedesco 2020/2021 competition promoted by the Goethe Institut at national level. The Goethe Institut competition was the pretext to bring the educational environment and the world of work closer and stimulate the creative

Eighteen are the students who, at the end of this formative year, have obtained the qualification of "Mosaic Master". With an official ceremony, on Friday 25 June in the afternoon at the Cinema Teatro Castello in Spilimbergo, the certificates of professional qualification were awarded to Elisabetta Cattarino, Samuele Contin, Carine Deroche, Federica Fonzari, Siarhei Hnutau, Francesco Maccuro, Eva Marinig, Irene Mollaretti

The mosaic The Teachers, winner of the Vittoria Alata Award promoted by FIDAPA - Italian Federation of Women Arts Professions Business, will now be visible in the hall of the "Aristide Gabelli" primary school in Pordenone. The work was inaugurated in a ceremony attended by the mayor of Pordenone Alessandro Ciriani, the Councilor Walter De Bortoli, the head teacher Piervincenzo Di

The second edition of the CREAttivo project, the competition of ideas reserved for the students of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and aimed at creating mosaic surfaces for design, is underway. Conceived by the Maravee Cultural Association, the competition was born from the collaboration with the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and sees the participation of three furniture manufacturing companies Gervasoni,

Two days of internships dedicated to mosaic (22-23 February 2021) for the team of the new Deuma company. Deuma is a business project that was born within the 4th A of the RIM (International Relations and Marketing) address ofMattiussi-Pertini Institute of Pordenone. The project was born at the request of the program "Unternehmen Deutsch - Piazza Affari Tedesco" promoted by the

The award ceremony of the Gian Domenico Facchina Award took place today, Thursday 11 February 2021, in a reduced form, but with due officiality, the recognition that the Municipality of Sequals awarded to two students of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli who distinguished in the execution of the final essays of the first courses of the academic year 2019/2020. In the

Distance teaching (DAD) continues for the students of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli for theoretical subjects such as Mosaic History, Applied Geometry, Computer Science and Computer Graphics, Materials Technology, Digital Modeling and Documentation and enhancement of mosaic works. This method, already tested in the spring of this year, allows students to follow the lessons from home, maintaining a constant and active