toria del colore

CREAttivo #4 Award

Dedicated to the students of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, the CREAttivo Prize competition is now in its fourth edition. As stated in the announcement, the students are asked to develop projects of mosaic interventions on four different furnishing components in production at the Legnolandia, Gervasoni and Very Wood companies. Conceived by Sabrina Zannier and organized by the Maravee Cultural Association,

The conference that concludes the CREAttivo #3. FVG Art and Business in Game project will take place on Thursday 9 March 2023, at 5.30 pm, in Udine, at Palazzo Torriani in Largo Carlo Melzi 2. The meeting aims to tell the results of this third edition of CREAttivo, a project between art and business curated by Sabrina Zannier and the Maravee

The New Park "CREAttivo Gianni Rodani" opens on Sunday 18 December at 11.00 in via Cipriani in Gorizia. The park will contain the games created by the Legnolandia company and made unique by the mosaic interventions designed and created by three students of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli, Luana Feletto, Pauline Debuchy and Alessia Lovato, winners of the competition. CREAttivo

The exhibition opens on Thursday 20 October 2022, at 6.30 pm at the Museum of Santa Chiara in Gorizia CREAttivo # 3 Art and Business in FVG on game. The works of Luana Feletto, Alessia Lovato and Pauline Debuchy, students of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and winners of the third edition of the CREAttivo Award this year dedicated to

The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli with the support of Friulovest Banca has launched a prize competition aimed at schools in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Presented on Friday 23 September 2022 in a press conference by Stefano Lovison, president of the Consortium for the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli and by Alberto Grassetti, delegated by the Presidency and member of the Board of Directors

The names of the winners of the seventh edition of the Mosaic Young Talent competition, created by the collaboration between the Naonis Cultural Association, curator of the project, and the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli will be revealed on Tuesday 13 September 2022 at 11.30 am at the Municipality of Pordenone. The competition is in fact aimed at the students of

In a heartfelt ceremony in the Municipality of Pordenone, Wednesday 25 May 2022, the name of the winner of the Vittoria Alata Award was unveiled, the recognition offered by FIDAPA - Italian Federation of Women Arts Professions Business of Pordenone, now in its eighth edition. FIDAPA has chosen this year to award the professional category of nurses who, in a pandemic

Today, Wednesday 25 May 2022, the Vittoria Alata Prize will be awarded to a student of the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli. This prize is awarded by the Fidapa Bpw of Pordenone (Italian Federation of Women Arts Professions Business) to the best sketch, among those presented by the students of the School, for a mosaic dedicated to nurses, figures chosen for the

The Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli is once again collaborating this year in the CREAttivo project, now in its third edition. Conceived by the art critic Sabrina Zannier and managed by the Maravee Cultural Association, with the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, it sees the involvement of the students of the School who participate in the creation of a mosaic

Thursday 15 july 2021 the Rotary Club Maniago-Spilimbergo hosted, in the suggestive Painted House in the historic center of Spilimbergo, a meeting dedicated to the Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli entitled The Mosaic School: between tradition and innovation. The guest-speaker was the director of the School, Gian Piero Brovedani, who presented the history and future perspectives of an institution founded in

On Sunday 25 July 2021 at 6.45 pm the table with benches and the information bulletin board, produced by the Legnolandia company and enriched with mosaic interventions, will be inaugurated in the Park of the Castle of Gemona del Friuli (UD), winning results of the CREAttivo #2 ideas competition. Curated by the Maravee Association in collaboration with the Mosaic School of

The mosaic The Teachers, winner of the Vittoria Alata Award promoted by FIDAPA - Italian Federation of Women Arts Professions Business, will now be visible in the hall of the "Aristide Gabelli" primary school in Pordenone. The work was inaugurated in a ceremony attended by the mayor of Pordenone Alessandro Ciriani, the Councilor Walter De Bortoli, the head teacher Piervincenzo Di